Haiti, Love and Murder … In the Season of Soup Joumou

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Corinne is a British nurse working in Haiti in the maternity ward of a local clinic. When a colleague, Dr. Sanctis Beauvoir, a Haitian American, is found dead, she is convinced that she knows the killer. Corinne is also sure his death has to do with the pilfering of medical supplies at the clinic. And when her long-time friend, journalist Charlie Carter, rides into town to write a story about the breakdown in civil society and order in the country due to corrupt politics and dire humanitarian needs, Corinne relays her suspicions about her colleague’s death to him.

Since Charlie has been harboring unspoken feelings for Corinne for years, he can’t help but get involved in her search seeking justice for her friend and colleague. As he digs deeper into the past of Dr. Beauvoir, he is able to call on an old friend at the FBI, another Haitian American, who is, as chance would have it, in Haiti working on a case of kidnapping and narcotics trafficking involving local gang members. Unfortunately, they all have differing views about why Dr. Beauvoir was killed, making it unclear if they will be able to find out what if anything, happened at the clinic.

Complicating things, Charlie remains unsure if he should declare his love for Corinne after so many years of saying nothing. Plus he is worried about her determination to investigate alone and the dangers she faces by upsetting the wrong people at the hospital and in the community. Will they find the justice they seek for the doctor? Only time and hard work will tell.

Mr. Matza has written a superb and masterful story showcasing the complex issues facing a country in political and social turmoil with characters who undertake a risky mission to solve a murder. I loved the attention to detail throughout the story and the fact that the reader gets to experience all sides of the country from the slums to the high-end hotels. We get a good look at Haitian culture and the spirit of survival instilled in a long-suffering nation and people.

This book had everything I look for in a good international mystery. It had empathetic, likable characters, a compelling mystery, action, and adventure in a fabulous setting. I also loved the chapter titles which always moved the story forward in a way that made it hard for me to put this book down. In short, I loved it. I didn’t want it to end. I hope this talented author is hard at work on another story of international intrigue and adventure.

Reviewed By:

Author Michael Matza
Star Count 5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 323 pages
Publisher Aberdale Books
Publish Date 12-Sep-2023
ISBN 9798986787022 Buy this Book
Issue June 2024
Category Mystery, Crime, Thriller


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